This was my second pregnancy and after a lengthy and complicated birth with my first I was fairly apprehensive as my due date approached.
My midwife recommended trying a TENS machine this time around and passed on Natal care as the service to get it through - my gosh I am glad she did!
My waters broke at midnight and I had regular but very mild tightenings through to the morning. At around 7am we were heading out to drop off the toddler to her Nans and I put the TENS machine on. It was great advice to start using it early in labour, this really worked for me! I had the machine on the lowest setting and when a contraction started, I pressed the boost button which was just fantastic!
Being able to actively do something each time a contraction started was really empowering for me - that boost button was a life saver! It also soothed the pain of the contraction brilliantly.
After dropping off the toddler, I laboured in a dark room with candles as light and played my favourite podcasts in the background. I spent the majority of the morning kneeling over a yoga ball and with each contraction I pressed my boost button on the TENS and breathed through to a count of 4 in and 7 out. This was all I needed through to midday when my midwife came and checked in, I was 4cm dilated and progressing quickly. When my midwife checked me more of my waters popped and she told me to stay home a little longer and then head to the birthing unit when it felt right.
An hour and many boosts later it was definitely time, we got in the car and I felt the baby drop into position and felt the urge to push. At this point I turned the boost on permanently for the 20 min drive and that along with quick deep breaths got me through the journey!
We arrived at the birthing unit and through the contractions got inside, quickly got the TENS off and hopped in the birthing pool, I pushed with my contractions and 10 minutes later our little boy came into the world at 2:15pm.
This was my dream birth, a shortish labour where I felt in control and finishing with a waterbirth. I feel very blessed to have had this experience!
I am so grateful to have had the TENS on hand and will be recommending it to everyone!!
- Teri, Sam & bubs