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News — hospital bag

OUCH! How am I going to poop after giving birth?

birth childbirth Constipation giving birth hospital bag Kiwi Crush labour Preparing for birth

OUCH! How am I going to poop after giving birth?

There are so many things not talked about before giving birth and discussing your first bowel motion after a vaginal birth, is one of them. When 'down there' is raw, sore and swollen, for some women, the thought of 'going number two's' can be terrifying. With a little help from nature, you can make things so much more comfortable. In the first couple of days after giving birth, drink lots of water and try eating kiwifruit and high fibre foods such as leafy green vegetables. Apples, citrus fruits, lentils, beans, wholegrains and dried fruit are also good options to have on hand. You may need to...

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What are the benefits of using a Labour TENS?

home birth hospital bag Labour TENS Obstetric TENS pain relief birth Pregnancy Preparing for birth preparing for labour TENS TENS hire TENS machine

What are the benefits of using a Labour TENS?

A combination of factors contribute to the potential benefits of using a TENS machine during labour. Women find that the use of a TENS unit helps them to feel in control of labour, be less anxious and offers a distraction from contractions.  Many women prefer or choose to use TENS during labour because it is a drug-free alternative and allows them to be present during their child’s birth.  Medical professionals and experts have advocated several advantages of using TENS, including: It is safe for you and your baby You don’t need an anaesthesiologist, doctor or midwife to use it You...

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