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News — childbirth

Relieved & Elated!

Birth Story childbirth Labour TENS TENS

Relieved & Elated!

Abigail enlisted a whole range of pain relief options to support her through giving birth to her beautiful baby Elijah. Read her full birth story now. "I recently hired a TENS from tens hire, after my friend Rachelle's recommendation. I used it constantly for more than 2 days straight during early labour, and also during active labour while in the birthing room in between using water as a pain relief. I found the tens genuinely helpful, and will certainly use it for future births! I was 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant. It was Sunday morning. Around 10 a.m. I...

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Top Postpartum Recovery Tips

birth childbirth Kiwi Crush natural birth Perineum Massage Oil Postpartum recovery Viva la Vulva

Top Postpartum Recovery Tips

Even if you cruised through your pregnancy and had the easiest delivery on record, your body has been stretched and stressed to the max, and it needs a chance to recover. There is no time limit on postpartum healing, so take your time. We’ve come up with some practical advice on postpartum care for ‘down there’. Ouchy! The perineum is the area between the anus and the vagina and if you’ve had a vaginal birth then this area could be sore, swollen and/or stitched. Try the following: Add Epsom Salt to your bath water or use a postpartum healing bath soak to...

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Clarissa shares her beautiful birth story...

birth Birth Story childbirth drug free childbirth giving birth labour Labour pain Labour TENS managing labour pain natural birth natural childbirth Obstetric TENS pain relief pain relief birth Pain relief for early labour Pregnancy TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ TENS rental tenshire

Clarissa shares her beautiful birth story...

"My little bub was due on the 15th of May, and like many first pregnancy did not come on that day. Instead on the 18th of May early in the morning I started to go into spontaneous labour. From about midday on the 18th my contractions were regular and I knew that this was it, they weren’t fading and instead getting gradually more painful. That’s when I popped on the tens machine and I used it for the remainder of the day. It really helped with getting me through all the cramping and back aches I was experiencing. That evening...

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OUCH! How am I going to poop after giving birth?

birth childbirth Constipation giving birth hospital bag Kiwi Crush labour Preparing for birth

OUCH! How am I going to poop after giving birth?

There are so many things not talked about before giving birth and discussing your first bowel motion after a vaginal birth, is one of them. When 'down there' is raw, sore and swollen, for some women, the thought of 'going number two's' can be terrifying. With a little help from nature, you can make things so much more comfortable. In the first couple of days after giving birth, drink lots of water and try eating kiwifruit and high fibre foods such as leafy green vegetables. Apples, citrus fruits, lentils, beans, wholegrains and dried fruit are also good options to have on hand. You may need to...

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FREE E-Book 'Drug-free Pain Relief...Before, During & After Childbirth'

birth childbirth drug free childbirth giving birth home birth labour Labour pain Labour TENS managing labour pain natural birth natural childbirth pain relief Pregnancy TENS

FREE E-Book 'Drug-free Pain Relief...Before, During & After Childbirth'

Need some natural remedies for heartburn, swollen ankles or morning sickness?  Want a drug-free birth and need advice on coping with labour pain? Want to help healing your body after giving birth with natural solutions to perineum soreness and constipation? Our e-book is packed full of natural tips, tricks and remedies to help & heal naturally. DOWNLOAD NOW

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