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Danielle shares her beautiful birth story and talks about the pain relief methods that worked for her

I would love to share my birth labour story with you and tell you able the pain relief methods that helped me through.

My labour  progressed slowly with a long latent phase on Thursday until it ramped up on Friday afternoon. I began using the TENS machine & it helped me immensely.

I really loved how the TENS helped me mentally; it gave me something else to focus on & helped draw the pain away from the contractions. In addition it assisted my breathing (hypno-breathing) and really helped me get into the zone.

At 2am on Saturday (48hrs later) my contractions were at the stage where I was on the way to the hospital to meet my midwife.

I arrived & my midwife was so amazed how calm I was. She said, “I don’t want to interrupt your Zen”. I kept telling her how much of a life saver the TENS was. I got to the hospital & was 7cm dilated.

I then used a combo of the TENS & Entonox for 2 hours. I then moved to the shower with the Entonox.

Another 2hrs later I got into the birthing pool and had a lovely water birth!!!

It was such an empowering experience & I truly believe the TENS machine had a huge impact & place in creating my successful birth.

My birth experience is one I wished for but never thought I would get to experience.

Thank you for this service you provide to me & other woman. I am forever grateful & if we are blessed to have another child, I will most certainly be using the TENS machine as part of my labour & I highly recommend it to anyone.

Thanks for allowing me to share my story with you.

-Danielle Earl

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