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News — TENS hire

How I remained drug-free during labour...and it didn't hurt that much!

Labour TENS Hire TENS hire tens hire nz Tenzhire

How I remained drug-free during labour...and it didn't hurt that much!

Like many mums-to-be, Jess was anxious about her upcoming labour. Here she shares the tools and techniques she used to keep her calm and drug-free during the birth of her baby girl... When I confirmed I was pregnant one of the first questions I googled was how much is labour going to hurt? I knew it was a bad idea, but I did it anyway. Antenatal classes help prepare you to some degree, but there are plenty of other things you can do to get ready for the big day. I had read that labour can take hours so I started...

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Natural pain relief in early labour

Labour TENS Obstetric TENS pain relief birth Pain relief for early labour Preparing for birth preparing for labour TENS TENS hire TENS machine

Natural pain relief in early labour

Recently a friend told me about his wife going into labour. "We went up to the hospital, bags packed, ready to get the show on the road, but then we were told she hadn't dilated enough and we were sent back home," he told me. "She was so disappointed." It's a story that would be familiar for many first-time mums. Knowing when you've reached established labour is hard to gauge - and as the pain continues to escalate, you're not sure how much you can take before heading to hospital. But if your pregnancy is low risk, riding out the early stages...

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Getting those endorphins flowing!

Birth Story TENS hire tens hire nz

Getting those endorphins flowing!

We congratulate Celia on a beautiful birth & thank her for sharing her birth story with you.... "Signs of the early latent phase started on the Wednesday morning. We were quick to put the TENS machine on and get my endorphins flowing from the get-go, as recommended by our midwife. Having not used a TENS machine until labour, I wasn't sure what to expect. I found myself distracted by the tingly sensation, but could only manage up to dial 2. This pain and the irregular contractions continued for the next 4 days, and I honestly don't know what I would have...

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It was a shock to the midwife when Lucy was fully dilated! Read her birth story

Birth Story Labour TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ tenshire

It was a shock to the midwife when Lucy was fully dilated! Read her birth story

I thought I would share my birth story with you: My labour began during the day on a Tuesday but I wasn’t really aware that it had begun and spent the day googling things like “what do contractions feel like?” As I’d never experienced them before! I continued on with my day just as normal and my husband and I even went to our regular pub quiz that evening but by the time we got home, I was starting to think that what I was experiencing was in fact at least the start of labour. We went to bed as...

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Read Nicole's Birth Story

Birth Story Labour TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ TENS rental tenshire

Read Nicole's Birth Story

I had used a TENS machine with my first birth and it was so good at managing my pain through labour. Particularly as by the time I got to the hospital there was no time for any alternative pain relief.  I knew I would want the use of one with my second pregnancy and was glad to find natal care NZ services of hiring these out. When the machine arrived I was impressed how the technology had changed in 5 years and quickly told my husband it was his job to know how it works. I did not want to...

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