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My experience with TENS during labour

Mercedes had her baby last month. Here she shares how her labour developed and how TENS helped her through. Thanks for sharing Mercedes.

I'd like to provide some feedback on my experience with the TENS machine. It was truly a blessing having the machine. I had a relatively quick labour given it was my first baby (first contraction was at 4:30pm and baby was born at 10:46pm)

I was very relaxed when the first contractions started - went for a walk with the dog then on to Countdown to get some snacks (all while having contractions - very close together). During Antenatal classes you’re told that typically you have ages after feeling that first contraction so I thought I could just carry on. Little did I know things were about to escalate when I got home from countdown, TENS machine was put on and I started to feel the benefits shortly after. While I do have a high pain threshold the TENS really did help given how close my contractions were together and how long they lasted (which is why baby got very tired during the later stages). While still at home I was having contractions lasting over a minute every 2 minutes and still refused to go to the hospital for the fear of everything slowing down!!

Anyway, when I finally arrived at the hospital at 9:22pm I was already 9cm dilated (much to my husbands horror that we could of had the baby on the motorway if we waited any longer).

For much of the active stage of labour I only had the TENS as pain relief! Totally forgot about the gas & air until the last 15 minutes and by that time is was merely a distraction more than anything!

Anyway, while I have nothing to compare it to I must say the TENS machine helped me a lot and I would definitely recommend it!

So there you have it, an insight into my experience. I can’t fault the service - everything arrived promptly, it was easy to use and great value of money!


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