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Second time around...Mel's birth story

After my labour with my first son, I found that the pain medicine I chose on the day (gas), made me very sick and dizzy and when it came to the birth of my son I was so 'out of it' from the gas that I felt like I missed so many special and important parts.

This time around with my second son, I was determined to find some other form of pain medication where I could be fully in the moment and be aware of what was happening. I did some research and found the use of tens machine and that your company hired them out. I was 3 weeks out from my birth and the machine arrived over night. I was very impressed. 

On the day of labour, I attached the tens machine and increased the level as needed to counteract the effects of contractions. I could not believe the relief it provided and also to help with the dreaded lower back pain that comes with labour. I didn't even get to use all levels available on the tens machine, and was fully aware what was happening and why. I witnessed and even birthed/caught my own son due to not feeling sick or dizzy like I was with gas. I can not recommend a tens machine enough! Thank you.

Mel M

BOOK your TENS now

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