The ultimate pregnancy to-do list: Third trimester
- Put finishing touches to baby’s room.
- Discuss pain relief options and your birth plan with your midwife and birthing partner.
- Book your TENS unit at
- Find your favourite (or buy new) comfy pyjamas.
- Wash & prepare baby clothes, bedding & swaddles.
- Pack hospital bag with: heat pad, drinks, snacks, maternity pads, breastpads, baby clothes, TENS unit, spare clothes & underwear, nipple cream, arnica, music, essential oils, toiletries.
- Practice fitting and removing car seat.
- Place midwife phone number next to phone.
- Purchase nappies, wet wipes & wash cloths.
- Prepare baby bath & supplies.
- Assemble your baby gear (buggy, capsule, monitor)
- Prepare a contact list of support
- people (midwife, doula, specialist, baby-sitter for your other children, pet-minder).
- Prepare for breastfeeding (purchase nursing bras, nipple cream, consider a breastfeeding course, read useful books & articles, watch videos, connect with La Leche League).
- Stock the freezer with healthy meals.
- Take care of yourself (eat whole foods, drink plenty of water, light exercise, meditation, breathing exercises, sleep well and rest).
RELAX. This can all seem super-overwhelming. So ask for support, or drop anything that feels optional. A baby really only needs somewhere to sleep, food, nappies, and lots of love. The rest you’ll figure out.